Hills during monsoon
KATHMANDU, Nepal- Shivapuri hill that homes Shivapuri National Park in the capital Kathmandu shines with the monsoon rains on the morning of Monday, July 1, 2013. Shivapuri is the second highest peak among the hills surrounding the Kathmandu Valley.
It is 2732m at its peak with numerous sharp ridges radiating to all sides. The park is a water shade for the capital valley contributing a remarkable volume to quench the thirsts of the Kathmandu city dwellers. Also different plants, animals, birds, mammals, butterflies among others are found in the park.
The park is a home to 177 species of birds of which 9 are enlisted as endangered, 19 species of mammals and 150 species of butterflies some endemic and rare. This is, out of the total of 800 species of birds, 130 species of mammals and 600 species of butterflies found in Nepal, thus making Shivapuri a paradise for flora and fauna and one of the two National Parks situated in the capital around the world. Photo: Nepal Mountain Focus
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