
Dozens Nepali pilgrims still missing in Uttarakhand

Photo: Indian Express
Photo: Indian Express

KATHMANDU, Nepal-Some 100 Nepali pilgrims are still missing in the aftermath of devastating Indian flood that took place in Uttarakhand three weeks ago.

Scores of stranded Nepali pilgrims who had gone to Kedarnath and Badrinath have already returned back to Nepal while some others are on the way to Nepal.

Many pilgrims had to face hard time there following a huge flood that swept away many worshipers, building and road sections.

‘Some one hundred pilgrims visiting Uttarakhand are still out of contact following Indian flood,’ said Nepali embassy India.

However, according to an official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nepal, the missing number in flood is high than the figure assumed by Nepalese embassy in India. ‘The missing number of pilgrims is high. As many as five hundred pilgrims are still out of contact,’ a non-gazette official told to Nepal Mountain Focus.

Some 10,000 people are supposed to have been swept away while thousands of others are believed to have been wounded by Uttarkhand flood triggered mainly by incessant rainfall in the mountainous river.


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