
Sudip Kulung wins Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon

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KATHMANDU, Nepal–Sudip Kulung has won Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon held on Thursday. Kulung won the marathon by completing 42 km distance in 3 hours 42 minutes and 9 seconds, according to National News Agency RSS. Sudip had become first in the Marathon organized in 2011 also.

Likewise, Bhim Bahadur Gurung of the Nepal Army was placed second by accomplishing the distance in 3 hours 48 minutes while Suman Kulung stood third by covering the distance in 4 hours 8 minutes and 10 seconds.

Under the half marathon category, Australian national Carl David emerged winner by completing the race in 3 hours 19 minutes. Likewise, Geremy Preston of Belgium was placed second in the event. More than 136 runners including 40 Nepalis had taken part in the event.

The marathon had been cut short to 42 km citing unfavorable conditions and the race that used to witness from Everest Base Camp was started from Gorakshep this year. Himalayan Expedition has been organizing the event on May 29 for the past 11 years to commemorate the day Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Sir Edmund Hillay ascent peak for the first time on May 29, 1953.

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