
Nardi-Ballard: Alex Txikon oltre campo 2 del Nanga Parbat

Mentre Ignacio de Zuloaga al campo operativo, tra i campi alpinistici 1 e 2 del Nanga Parbat, sta attivando i tre droni e il telescopio ad alta potenza che aveva al K2, Alex Txikon con un altro alpinista ha raggiunto campo 2 e si è avventurato verso campo 3 in cerca di tracce e per battere la pista.

È pomeriggio, con sole pieno e calma di vento, ed essendo aumentata la pericolosità per la valanghe per oggi il basco ha preferito rientrare al suo campo operativo.

Di seguito il report ufficiale dell’aeronautica pakistana sull’operazione di oggi con elicotteri:

Two Écureuil B3s of Pakistan Army Aviation took off from Skardu AAB at 11 hours in difficult weather conditions around Skardu. Fortunately the weather was much better outside the Skardu Valley. The helicopters passed by Jaglot before heading to Nanga Parbat. Weather had turned for good by that time in the area.

Arriving at Nanga Parbat, the two Écureuils climbed to Camp-I and spent 10 minutes up there to reconnoiter a landing spot at Camp-I. They then landed at Base Camp dropping off the Spanish rescuers. The two helis then took Alex Txikon and Rehmat Ullah Baig from the Base Camp and climbed back up to Camp-I. Since Rehmat was with Daniele and Tom during the initial phase of the expedition, he was able to point out the exact route on the Mummery Spur to Alex and the pilots. The helicopters then started an aerial reconnaissance with Alex on board and searched the area for around 50 minutes. They went up to 7100m before climbing down to Camp-I. Unfortunately no sign of climbers or a camp site was found during the aerial reconnaissance. They finally left Alex Txikon at Camp-I and returned to Base Camp before heading back to their base at Skardu“.



Gli aggiornamenti precedenti:

Nardi-Ballard: primo report di Alex Txikon dal Nanga Parbat

Nardi-Ballard: elicotteri con Alex Txikon partiti in direzione Nanga Parbat

Nanga Parbat: causa maltempo gli elicotteri rientrano a Skardu. Intervista a Agostino Da Polenza


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