
Vanessa O’Brien starts her journey for K2

Dal nostro corrispondente in Pakistan Muhammad Aurang Zaib

ISLAMABAD – British American female mountain dweller Vanessa O’Brien left Islamabad yesterday (Friday) on mission to summit Pakistan’s tallest and world second highest mountain K2. She wanted to vanquish K-2 a year ago and the year before but the Mother Nature did not support them. She said, there was a security perception about Pakistan in the world but now they feel that Pakistan’s security environment is quite satisfactory.

She said that the experience has taught her respect and appreciation for the resilient communities of Gilgit-Baltistan. She also wants to raise awareness about the rich cultural and ecological richness of Gilgit Baltistan. O’Brien achieved a Guinness World Record in 2015 for being the fastest woman to climb the seven highest peaks in every continent in the shortest period of 295 days.

O’Brien’s team is collectively climbing three peaks including Nanga Parbat, K2 and Broad Peak. “We hope to make records i.e. first Chinese on Nanga Parbat; first Icelanders on K2; first American lady to summit K2; first British lady to summit and descend K2; first Chinese to climb all 14 eight thousand meter peaks,” she said. She is probably going to finish her endeavor in the mid of August.

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